Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nighttime Wiggels

Last night I put Olivia to bed around 9pm. She slept for about 30 minutes, so I went in and put her binkey back in and she drifted back to sleep for about 5 minutes and started crying. She usually just goes to sleep and is out for a few hours so I thought maybe she needed to be changed. I pulled her out of her swing (where she sleeps everynight) and laid her on the floor to change her. When I did that she started smiling, moving her arms and legs, and cooing. She was all excited about something, so I thought I would let her do her thing for a while and I left the room. She then started screaming, so I went back in, and what do you know the kid started smiling and being all wiggely. So I brought my pillow and blanket into the room and slept on her floor for half the night. I was annoyed, but everytime I looked at her I couldn't be upset because she was being so darn cute. I should have gotten my camera and gotten a video, but instead I laid on the floor trying to sleep over her talking, haha.

1 comment:

Brenden+Nikki said...

Hi Brooke! I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog :) I know we've never met, but I feel like I know you so I'm going to comment anyway. (Andrew taught me on his mission which I'm sure you already know, but I just wanted to throw that out there so you didn't get freaked out by some random chick commenting on your blog). It's fun to see that you guys are doing well. I had to laugh at this post - I think that's so cute (totally understand that it might not be so cute having to sleep on the floor for half the night)...ha ha but it sounded like she just wanted your company! :) What a cutie!!