Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Alot of Work!


Our yard is finally starting to look nice! We bought the house in April 2009 as a foreclosure and the place was a dump. It may look like it had grass, but those are just all weeds. The picture makes it look better than it was, trust me. I have put up before and after pics of the inside in earlier posts, but after tons of shoveling, bringing in load after load of gravel, putting in a sprinkler system, seeding and waiting for grass, putting up a new fence, ripping out a chunk of the old driveway and pouring new concrete, and lots of plants here is the outcome (still needs more work, but thats ok).


another before

and after

There is still alot of work to be done, but it's getting there : )


CanoeMN said...

You forgot to put up a picture of your wildflower garden. I hear it is beautiful.

dotytime said...

you can't put some crummy pictures from google earth during the winter and then compare it to the after shot. You'd do well in advertizing.